While many SMEs are getting a handle on managing COVID risks to their business, they may be blinkered
Read MoreEconomic uncertainty may have prompted you to reduce, change or cancel your business interruption insurance. That’s a natural reaction in these uncertain times. However, it's important to know how that could impact your business and possibly come back to bite you.
Read MoreBusiness owners, directors, officers, and managers are all exposed to management liability, no matter the size of their business. Manage these risks with insurance tailored to your unique needs.
Read MoreWith the 2021/22 financial year done and dusted, now's the time to get shipshape for the next 12 months. As well as your finances, though, have you made time in your schedule to review your insurance cover?
Read MoreAre you sure you’re up to date on your responsibilities as an employer to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus in your workplace? In this, the third year of living with the pandemic, beware of what the World Health Organisation calls the ‘infodemic’ – an overwhelm of false and misleading information.
Read MoreProperty investor numbers are at a record high, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. In January, new investor housing loan commitments rose more than six percent to $11 billion seasonally adjusted. Across the country, rents are up, with the average house costing $520 weekly.
Read MoreCybercrime costs the Australian economy $42 billion annually, says the University of NSW. It estimates just one-fifth of online crime is reported.
Read MoreNot great news for potential savings on insurance premiums here in Broome based on the following article we received today.
Read MoreEmployment practices’ liabilities can be expensive, disruptive, and time-hungry to businesses. Claims are also rising. We’ve compiled an update on the risks to your balance sheet and how to manage your practices more effectively.
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Winter delivers a different range of risks to vehicle fleet management than other seasons. These tips guide you on how to minimise those risks with awareness, training and good maintenance.
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If the past two years have taught us anything, it’s that disaster can strike at any time and businesses need to be ready. Help safeguard your operations by creating a business continuity plan today.
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tralian businesses and homeowners can draw on insights from the recent 1-in-a-1000-year floods to better protect their assets with planning, retrofitting, and more risk minimisation. Find Out More Here
Read MoreEvery busy must ensure they have Workers Compensation Insurance to cover all their employees.
Read MoreUnder the current superannuation guarantee, employers must pay superannuation contributions of 10% of an employee's ordinary time earnings when they earn over $450 per month before tax.
Read MoreThe increase to base rates of pay has not yet been announced by the Fair Work Commission. The change only applies to employees whose pay rates come from the national minimum wage, a modern award (of which there are more than 100) or in some cases a registered agreement. The Fair Work Ombudsman will update their pay tools with the new pay rates on 1 July 2022. Rates of pay can be viewed via the Award Pay Guides or by using the Fair Work PACT Calculator.
Read MoreWith these comprehensive tips, manufacturing businesses can minimise the dangers, hazards, and risks in their operations. Also, consider employer liability insurance to manage your risk profile.
Read MoreBefore signing a commercial lease, clarify your and the landlord’s obligations and responsibilities. These include permitted use, terms, costs, maintenance, guarantees and insurance for the premises.
Read MoreFleet managers have been juggling supply chain issues and other pandemic-induced disruptions. Use these tips to control what you can to improve for safer and more reliable fleet management.
Read MoreThe end of any financial year can be a painful time for small and medium sized business owners who have to do a lot of the work themselves. Make your EOFY prep stress-free with this easy guide.
Read MoreThere are specific processes and record keeping requirements that are set out in the Fair Work Act 2009 and it is important to keep on top of these in case Fair Work chooses to audit your business.
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